Most of the content on CBC Gem contains closed captioning
To enable or disable captioning on the CBC Gem app or website, please follow these instructions.
Android Mobile App
iPhone or iPad
Apple TV
Fire TV / Android TV
LG Smart TV / Samsung Smart TV
Android mobile app
On the bottom right of the video player, select the settings option.
From here, you can toggle Closed Captions on and off. When the toggle is grey, Closed Captions are disabled. When the toggle is red, Closed Captions are enabled.
iPhone or iPad
On the bottom right of the video player, select the settings option.
From here, you can toggle Closed Captions on and off. When the toggle is grey, Closed Captions are disabled. When the toggle is red, To enable Closed Captions are enabled.
On the bottom right corner of the video player, select the icon that looks like a chat bubble.
A pop-up window will open where you can toggle Closed Captions on and off. When the toggle is grey, Closed Captions are disabled. When the toggle is red, Closed Captions are enabled.
If you do not immediately see this control bar, just click anywhere on the video window and it should appear.
Apple TV
To enable captioning on the CBC Gem app for Apple TV, you will need to select English CC from the Caption Options menu.
You can access this by swiping up on the Apple remote (or clicking up if you're using Apple's newer Siri remote) to display the video controls, selecting the Caption Options icon, and then English CC under the Subtitles header.
To disable captioning select Off.
Fire TV / Android TV
To enable captioning, select Enable Closed Captions found below the video controls. To disable captioning, select Disable Closed Captions.
To enable captioning, select Enable Closed Captions found below the video controls. To disable captioning, select Disable Closed Captions.
LG Smart TV / Samsung Smart TV
To enable captioning, select Enable Closed Captions found below the video controls. To disable captioning, select Disable Closed Captions.
To enable captioning, you will need to access the Options menu on your Roku device by selecting the asterisk button found on your remote:
In the Options menu, select Closed captioning, then select On always. To disable captioning select Off.
Most of the content we stream contains captioning.
If you notice any programming where captioning is not present, please let us know what you were watching and we will try our best to get captioning added.