We know it can be frustrating to see contributions in CBC online community spaces that might be considered inappropriate. Despite our precautions and the hard work of our moderation teams, inappropriate comments occasionally slip through.
If you see a comment that you think violates CBC's Submission Guidelines, you can Report it. This will bring it to the attention of our moderation team for review.
You must be logged in to do this, so if you are not logged in, please do so.
If you are using a mobile device, the Report button is located in the bottom right corner of each comment. If you are using a desktop computer, mouse over the comment you wish to report and the Report button will appear in the bottom right corner of the comment.
** Use the REPORT system in order to notify the moderators most expediently, rather than submitting emails to National Audience Services. **
The user who submitted the comment will not be able to see who reported the comment.
If reporting a submission doesn't result in its removal, you can appeal that decision.