You can find radio frequencies and TV channels by using the CBC Channels and Frequencies guide. A full list of radio frequencies by province can be printed from the same page.
In order to use the guide, enter the name of your town, city, or region into the search field above the map and select the best option from the drop-down menu which appears.
The red pin indicates the centre of the map. You can move the pin around to better indicate your location by clicking on it. Once you drop the pin, tower icons that appear in red are those within range of the pin’s location on the map. Tower icons in black are out of range. The frequencies listed to the left of the map represent those which can be accessed from the pin’s current location. Click on a frequency to see its source and its transmission range projected in red onto the map.
If you do not see a listing for a specific CBC/Radio-Canada radio or television service, this indicates that there is no over-the-air signal in that area. You may wish to listen online at or watch online at
You can view the following video for detailed instructions on how to find a CBC Radio frequency: