If you’ve registered to CBC Gem using an email address (and not by logging in with Facebook, Apple, or Google), this article will cover how to request a password change if you have forgotten your password, or update your existing password or email address.
You possess a single CBC account which is recognized across several of our sites, including cbc.ca, listen.cbc.ca and gem.cbc.ca. Changes made concerning your email address or password will therefore be applied universally.
How to request a password change if you have forgotten your password:
1. Select the Sign in button located on the top right corner of the home screen.
2. Next, select the Sign in with CBC option.
3. Once on the Sign in screen enter your email address into the provided field and select Continue.
4. Select Forgot Password? from the Sign In screen.
5. On the Password Recovery screen, your email address will be automatically populated in the Email address field.
6. Select Send and an email will be sent to you shortly. This email contains a link you will need to follow in order to complete your password reset request.
The link in this email will be valid for 72 hours.
If you do not receive your reset password email within a few minutes, please check your email account's junk or spam folder. Alternatively, you can resend the email if you still have the reset screen open on your browser.
7. Once you have selected the button or link, you will be taken to the reset password screen. Enter a new password containing at least 8 characters and then select Reset password to finalize the update.
8. Once your password has been accepted, you will be able to log into CBC Gem with your new credentials.
If you are experiencing any issues resetting your password from Gem, you can reset your password from the CBC Membership Centre here >> https://www.cbc.ca/account/login
iPhone, iPad and Android Mobile
1. While in the CBC Gem app, select My Gem on the bottom right corner of the home screen.
2. Then, select the Continue with your email address button.
3. Next, select the Sign in button.
4. From the Sign in screen, select the Forgot Password option.
5. From the Forgot Password? screen, enter your email address and then select Continue.
6. An email will be sent to you shortly. This email contains a link you will need to follow in order to complete your password reset request.
The link in this email will be valid for 72 hours.
If you do not receive your reset password email within a few minutes, please check your email account's junk or spam folder. Alternatively, you can resend the email if you still have the reset screen open on your browser.
7. Once you have selected the button or link you will be taken to the reset password screen.
Enter a new password containing at least 8 characters and then select Reset password to finalize the update.
8. Once your password has been accepted, you will be able to log into CBC Gem with your new credentials.
Currently, you can only reset your password from the Gem app on iPhone, iPad and Android Mobile.
If you have the Gem app on any other platform, please follow the instructions for resetting your password From the Gem website.
If you're experiencing any issues updating your password via the CBC Gem website or app, you can try resetting it directly from the CBC Membership Centre - https://www.cbc.ca/account/login
1. When the window opens, select "Sign in with email".
2. Next, enter your email address associated with your CBC account and select "Continue"
3. Then, select the "Forgot password?" option.
4. From here, select "Send link".
5. A reset password email will then be sent to you. This email contains a "Reset password" link you need to select in order to reset your password.
Please note - If you do not receive your reset password email within a few minutes, check your email account's junk or spam folder.
6. After you have selected the reset password link, a window will appear where you can create your new password. Once you have entered your new password and selected "Reset password", you should be all set. You will now be able to log into your CBC account with your new credentials.
If you're still experiencing issues, please contact Gem support: https://cbc.ca/gemsupport
How to update your password or email:
Updating your password
1. Assuming you are already signed in to the CBC Gem website ( gem.cbc.ca ), select My Gem from the top right corner of the screen. If you are using the CBC Gem app, tap on My Account located in the menu.
Gem website
2. On the next screen, locate the My CBC account section and select Edit My Profile. This will take you to the CBC Membership Centre.
If you are using the CBC Gem app for iPhone/iPad, the Edit My Profile option can be found under My Gem > Account
If you are using the CBC Gem app for Android, the Edit Profile option can be found in the My Account section, which can be accessed from the menu (three horizontal lines on the top left corner of the screen).
Alternatively, you can follow this link >> https://www.cbc.ca/account/login
3. You will now need to log in to the Membership Centre using your CBC Gem credentials.
4. Once you have logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Password section and select Change password.
5. Here you will need to enter your current password under the Old password field, and your new password under the New password, and Confirm new password fields.
Once this is done, select Update to complete the process.
Updating your email address
You can easily update your CBC Gem email address via the CBC Membership Centre https://www.cbc.ca/account/login
1. When the window opens, select "Sign in with email".
2. Once you are logged in, scroll down the page until you see the Change Email button.
Select the Change Email button.
3. From here, enter your new email address in the NewEmail* field.
Enter your current password in the Confirm Password* field.
Click Update.
4. A verification email will now be sent to your new email address.
Be sure to open this email and click the "Confirm email" button to finalize your email address update.
Please Note: After selecting "Confirm email", you may be asked to log in to the CBC Membership Centre to finalize the change. You will need to sign in with your original email address and not the one you're updating to.
If you're experiencing any issues updating your password or changing your email address, please contact Gem support by clicking here.